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Shortened For Convenience

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:14 am
by Kaisonic
As I'm sure you all know, June 14, 2006 is Flag Day in the U.S. Since most people that stay up late (like me) still consider midnight to 5 a.m. actually the previous day, then logically, today is Flag Day. And because of this, Jay and I put together a little video to celebrate. It is currently being encoded and uploaded, so all versions will be available for your viewing pleasure within a few hours. Instead of saying that we made this video late, we like to say that we had to wait until Flag Day to actually create the video, since one cannot be happy about a holiday unless it is actually that holiday. This explains why we started, did, and finished this video all today. And it explains why it's being uploaded at 4 in the morning. But it's all good, right?

Today, Jay and I commenced in a major filming session that actually finished off everything we need for Kill Faz Episodes 3 and 4. Episode 3 should be released sometime tomorrow, and 4 will follow shortly after. Then, since you'll be all Kill-Fazed-up, we'll get some more The Sonic Tales episodes done. Then you'll be RTC-Fusioned-up, and you'll realize it's the end of the summer, which will suck. Since all coherency has been lost, this post is over. I'll catch you guys tomorrow (hopefully).