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Epic Saga Complete

PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:02 am
by Kaisonic
Episode 4 of Kill Faz, entitled "Post-Game Ballistics Pt. 2", is complete and now available for convenient downloading by the public. This episode concludes the three-part mini-series (or mini-saga) that episode 2 started, and also concludes what was originally written as episode 2. There's a version on YouTube for simple watching, a high-quality Windows Media version for those with faster connections, a low-quality Windows Media version for those that want to download but have slow connections, a Quicktime version for those with Macs, and tomorrow an 85 MB HiRes Windows Media version for those that like high quality and downloading stuff. As a small side note, I recommend downloading a version instead of just watching it on YouTube just because YouTube converts the sound to mono and I take special care in the videos to take advantage of effects achieved using stereo sound. In other words, download one of 'em, and watch it with headphones. It's cool.

Next on the agenda for Red-Light Green-Light is a remake of the Kill Faz Pilot and Episode 1 in preparation for our DVD (gasp!). For RTC Fusion, we're looking at some more episodes of The Sonic Tales. And other than that, we're pretty good. Thanks for watching, come back soon. Tommy out.