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Again With the Question Marks

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:06 am
by Kaisonic
Well, the dreaded question marks in the "Main Navigation" box have yet again returned, probably because of the server move. I'm not quite sure why those show up, but I know how to fix them, so don't worry about that.

With now fully moved onto the new server, the scene is set to release another video and basically organize the video archive. Later today, I'll be posting 6 versions of the newest video (unfortunately, not a Sonic Tales video) in my attempt to better accommodate all users. I'll have a Flash version viewable in the RTC Fusion theater, a Windows Media version available for download, and a Quicktime version available for download for you Mac users. And of course, all three will be available in high quality and low quality - the former for broadband and cable users, and the latter for slower users. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be releasing a streaming version compatible with dial-up users - if your connection really is that slow, you wouldn't want to stream anything anyway, because it would look like what Tails did to the lake. But you should still be able to download the low-quality versions with no problems. I'll try to average those file sizes at around 20 MB or less, which, by my calculations, would take around 45 minutes on a dial-up connection. I guess that sounds pretty bad, but if you're on dial-up, you really shouldn't be relying on the Internet for media entertainment anyway! Besides, maybe dial-up users would pay more for a DVD since it would be their only real means of seeing the series.... (dot dot dot)

Anywhosinheimer, in conclusion, new video tonight, updated archive by the weekend, and hopefully more Sonic Tales soon after. Peace all!